Tuesday, March 23, 2010



The district has an area of 1682.53 Sq.Kms. constituting 3.8% of the total area of the State. Total area under cultivation is 168000 hect. Out of this, 147000 hect. is net irrigated area.


Kurukshetra district lies between latitude 29o-52' to 30o- 12' and longitude 76o-26' to 77o-04' in the North Eastern part of Haryana State. The district headquarter is located at Kurukshetra town and is about 160 Kilometers North of Delhi, 39 Kilometers North of Karnal and 40 Kilometers South of Ambala. It is at a distance of about 6 kilometer from Pipli an important road junction on the National Highway No.1 popularly called the Grand Trunk Road.

Kurukshetra Railway Station, also called the Kurukshetra Junction, is located on main Delhi-Ambala Railway line. The other important towns of the district are Pehowa, Shahbad & Ladwa. The district consists of 419 villages.


On the whole, the district is a plain which slopes from North East to South and South West. The plain is remarkable flat and within it, are the narrow low-lying flood plains, known as either Betre Khadar of Naili. Saraswati, Markanda and Ghaggar are the important rivers of the district. A good network of canals is providing irrigational facilities. Underground water level is not relatively high. Tubewell irrigation is also common in the district. It is one of the prosperous district from agriculture point of view. The soil is generally alluvial, loam and clay does not constitute average texture of the soil.


The climate of the district is of pronounced character i.e. very hot in Summer and markedly cold in winter. It is as high as 45 degree C in summer and as low as 3 degree C in winter.


Kurukshetra is a place of great historical and religious importance, revered all over the country for its sacred associations. It was here that the battle of Mahabharta was fought and Lord Krishna preached his Philosophy of "KARMA" as enshrined in the Holy Geeta to Arjuna at Jyotisar. In the very first verse of Bhagwat Gita, Kurukshetra is described as DHARAMKSHETRA i.e. field of righteousness. Mythologically, the name Kurukshetra applied to a circuit of about 48 KOS or about 80 miles (128 Kms) which includes a large number of holy places, temples and tanks connected with the ancient Indian traditions and the Mahabharata War and Kururu, the pious ancestor of Kaurvas and Pandavas.



Kurukshetra is probably the most famous religious site in India and one of the most ancient places of pilgrimage in the world. The name of Kurukshetra derives from a tribe, Kuru. By the evidence of its name and its archaeological remains there can be no doubts that Kurukshetra was occupied by the Aryans. The city is said to be as old as the Rigveda, and was also caqlled Saryanvat.

According to Mahabharat the land between the Saraswati and Drishdvati was called Kurukshetra, which covered an area of five yojanas in radius. The territory between Tarantuka and Arantuka and between Machkruka and Ramhrada is called Kurukshetra, Samant Panchaka and the Northern Vedi of Brahma. Kurukshetra derives its religious sanctity from more than one source. Its religious importance has been described as the land of righteousness in Rigveda, Sathpath Brahaman, Jabali Upnishad, Puranas, Bhagwat Gita, Mahabharat and other religious books.

Kurukshetra has been delcared as the land of Dharma or righteousness in the very first shloka of Srimadbhagwad Gita and it is quite evident that the name Kurukshetra was prevelent even before the great war of Mahabharat. It was after the name of King Kuru, the ancestor of Kauravas and Pandavas this place was called Kurukshetra. Prior to the name of Kurukshetra this place of pilgrim was known as 'Brahmkshetra', 'Bhrigukshetera', 'Aryavarat' and 'Samant Panchak ' etc. All these names can be found in the holy pages of Mahabharat.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Jannat (Movie Story)

The story revolves around a man who is caught in a quagmire of crime and consumerism as he struggles to find heaven on earth.
Arjun (Emraan Hashmi) is a reckless young man with an obsession for making quick buck. A chance meeting with a girl in a mall, Zoya (Sonal Chauhan) gives him the reasons he was looking for to move out of his ordinary life and become rich for this girl. He steps up from playing small-time card games to becoming a bookie.
Stuck in a triangle of sorts between the woman he loves and his addiction to make a quick buck, Arjun moves on from being a bookie to a runner for the mafia. He steps into the world of Cricket match fixing, ensuring a match looks interesting, but the end result is to their advantage.
Arjun basically switches on the limelight to the bigger, faster, better & more, until his dizzying rise attracts the attention of the police. Arjun has now to choose between the love of his life, and this new found success and power.
As Arjun struggles to choose between the two, the Don offers the forbidden apple of limitless wealth in exchange for his soul, drawing him into his core entourage of money spinners. Though he tries his best not to accept, he is, in the end, drawn into the plot where he soon gets trapped as the man accused of killing a coach.
With the police after him, Arjun manages to get into his best friend's car. Both of them can now make off, but Arjun is stopped by Zoya who asks him to surrender. Convinced that he has not committed the crime, Zoya assures him they can, and will, fight the law.
When the police arrive, Arjun raises his arms in a gesture of surrender. Zoya pleads with the inspector, who is a fair and just man, not to kill Arjun as he is ready to give himself up and, consequently, the inspector orders his men not to fire until told to, though none of them lower their weapons.
Arjun is asked to drop his gun, which is in the pocket of his jeans. Zoya's ring, too, is in Arjun's pocket and, when the gun is taken out and dropped, the ring is dropped along with it. Arjun, in a state of shock and blur, bends down to pick the ring, but the police mistakenly think he is reaching for the gun. They open fire, and Arjun is brutally killed. This was his sacrifice for love and the price he pays for his greed.

Jannat (Movie)(Wallpaper)


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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

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